Titus Taekwon-Do is strictly here for the moral character development of the community and its child.


  • Mini Taekwon-Do

    Classes designed for 3.5-5 years old.

  • ITF Taekwon-Do Kids

    Classes designed for 6-10 years old.

  • ITF Taekwon-Do Teen + Adult

    Classes designed for 11+.


Titus Taekwon-Do Institute has general goals for its members. The institute understands that each individual has their own personal goals, but we have developed a few that are guides in helping people achieve their own.


1. Be an effective student
Everyone will start here. This is where you will learn to discover yourself under the training of the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF), which is considered the original Taekwon-Do. The fundamental techniques and philosophies are taught to members under Certified International Instructors and their assistants.

2. Be an effective competitor
There are competitions available for those who are students, but these individuals will train to develop into National and eventually, International competitors. All of our Head Instructors have experience in the highest level of competition. In these challenging training sessions, members will develop into strong competitors.

3. Be an effective assistant instructor
Members will learn how to help the head instructors during class and also be hands on with upcoming students. These individuals will learn the teaching tactics to eventually develop them into head instructors.

4. Be an effective Head Instructor
The member has an option to become an instructor. This is an opportunity to give back! You'll be sent to Instructor Training Seminars and other courses that will give you all the tools you need to hold your own classes.

5. Business/School Owner
This is only for the select few. If Taekwon-Do is your passion, allow our institute to help guide you into managing your own school!

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